Emotions and Sharing Negative Thoughts




My name is Kaighley Wells-Britton, a Trainee Clinical Psychologist studying at the University of Surrey. I invite you to take part in a research project, the details of which are below. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and talk to others about the study if you wish.

What is the purpose of the study?
I am looking at intrusions, which are thoughts, images or urges that enter your mind suddenly. In this study, I am focusing particularly on negative intrusions (e.g. an image of you doing something bad such as hurting animals, children or other people). Everyone has negative intrusions that suddenly come into their mind so there is nothing unusual about this. I want to find out how people feel about negative intrusions and whether the way that they feel about them would influence whether they told other people that they have had them.

What will my involvement require?
If you choose to take part, you will be taken to a consent screen before proceeding to an online survey which consists of a series of questionnaires. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Do I have to take part?
No, your participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time during completion of the survey without giving a reason.

What are the possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?
You may find some of the content within the questions upsetting as there are descriptive examples of negative intrusions (e.g. ideas about people being hurt). A page at the end of the survey provides information for sources of support or information, should you feel that you need this. If you are unable to complete the survey but would like to receive information for sources of support, you can click ‘end survey’ at the bottom of any of the pages (rather than the ‘X’ at the top of the page) and this will direct you to the sources of support page.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
It is unlikely that you will benefit directly from taking part but it is hoped that your contribution will add to the understanding of intrusions and what factors may prevent people from disclosing these to others.

What if there is a problem?
Any complaint or concern about any aspect of the study will be addressed; please contact me, Kaighley Wells-Britton (Principal researcher) in the first instance or alternatively my supervisor. Our contact details are below.

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
Yes. At no point in this survey will you be asked to give personally identifiable data (e.g. your name or email address). So, all of the information given is anonymous. This does mean that once you complete the survey and submit your data there will be no way of withdrawing it afterwards. Data will be stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

What if I want to know the results of the study?
If you wish to know the results of the study, please email me using the email address below in May 2017 and I can forward these on to you.

Contact details
Kaighley Wells-Britton (Principle Researcher)
Trainee Clinical Psychologist
PsychD Doctoral Training Programme
University of Surrey
Dr Laura Simonds (Supervisor)
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
PsychD Doctoral Training Programme
University of Surrey

Prof Derek Moore
Head of School of Psychology

Who has reviewed the project?
The study has been reviewed and received a Favourable Ethical Opinion (FEO) from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Ethics Committee at the University

Thank you for taking the time to read this information screen.