Well-Being in Resident and Non-Resident Fathers

Participant Information Sheet




Details of Investigator
Marie-Louise Audet
Email: m.audet@surrey.ac.uk
Mobile: 07710 411824
School of Psychology
Surrey GU2 7XH
Thank you for your interest in this research study. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the information that you need to consider in deciding whether to participate in this research study. The study is a following on study from a previous study and forms part of my professional Doctorate in Psychotherapeutic & Counselling Psychology at the University of Surrey.

What is this study about?
The research aims to further understand the psychological impact on fathers of residency status and to help inform policy. By participating in this study you would be agreeing to its potential publication.

Inclusion criteria
The study is suitable for fathers of eighteen years, or over, who speak English and have children of eighteen years or under. Fathers who are living with their children will be required to be in a stable relationship with their partner. Fathers who are not living with their children will be required to have moved out from living with their children in the last five years. As the study involves completing an on-line questionnaire, you will need to have access to a computer.

What does my participation involve?
The study will involve you answering a short online questionnaire that takes approximately five to ten minutes. The questionnaire asks some demographic questions and multiple-choice questions about your well-being. Your data will be stored electronically in the researcher’s laptop, in a password-protected folder, which only the researcher has access to, and which will not be shared with anyone else. Data will be kept for ten years from the date of questionnaire completion in the event of publication. Your participation is anonymous. In order to keep your anonymity, a personal code will be generated on completion of the questionnaire that can be used in the eventuality that you wish to withdraw from the study.

Do I have to take part?
You are not obliged to take part in this study and should not feel coerced. You are free to withdraw at any time. Should you choose to withdraw from the study you may do so without disadvantage to yourself and without any obligation to give a reason. Should you withdraw, you will have the option for your data to be withdrawn and deleted from the study if you so wish, otherwise your anonymised data may be used in the write-up of the study and any further analysis that may be conducted by the researcher.

Who is funding and organising the study?
The study is funded and organised by the researcher in conjunction with the Researcher’s supervisor.

Who has reviewed the study.
Both the researcher’s supervisor and the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Ethics Committee at the University of Surrey have reviewed the study. The study has received a favourable ethical opinion from the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Ethics Committee at the university.

What happens to the results of the study?
The results of this study will be made publically available as part of the researchers final portfolio. Additionally, by participating in this study you would also be agreeing to the possibility that it may be published.

Will the research help me?
No payment is offered in remuneration for taking part in this study.

What to do if these questions cause distress
The questionnaire contains questions about your well-being, which may cause distress to some participants. If you become distressed or upset when completing the questionnaire, you are free to withdraw completely from the study without any explanation or disadvantage to yourself. At the end of the questionnaire you will find a debriefing form with information regarding organisations that can be of support to you, should you require. If you are particularly distressed please contact me on my university email address on this letter for further guidance.

For further information and advice about this study
If you have any questions or concerns about this study please contact myself using the above information. If you have any questions or concerns about how this study has been conducted, please contact the researcher’s supervisor, Professor Chris Fife-Schaw, School of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey (email: c.fife-schaw@surrey.ac.uk).

Please feel free to ask me any questions. If you are happy to continue you will be asked to read a consent form and agree that you give your consent prior to your participation.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Marie-Louise Audet